New Yarn Resolutions for 2015

Monday, 27 January 2014

Sorry for the crappy wordplay in the title but I couldn't resist.
So this is my very first post and without further ado I want to write down my creative new year resolutions for 2015. If you want to know more about the author of this humble blog please check my about page.

  • Work with different fibers - I am a creature of habit. Until now I stuck to the same yarn company and the same kind of fibers, mostly sheep wool, alpaca or cotton. I really like that yarn company for its reasonable prices but slowly but steady I get bored knitting and crocheting with the same yarns over and over again. Please more variation in 2015!

  • Designing some own patterns - I really don't want to think about the amount of money I invested in knitting patterns since I started knitting. All of these patterns were well written, fun to knit and resulted in beautiful garments. I learned a lot but now I often think about designing my own stuff. Let's get creative!

  • Dyeing Yarn - Yes! This is something I wanted to do for a long time and I just cant stop admiring hand dyed yarns when I stumble across such treasures.

  • More Crocheting - In 2014 I became kind of obsessive about knitting. I neglected my crochet hooks for weeks and months although there are some many beautiful crochet projects out there.

  • Sew a Garment - It's been almost a year since I bought a very lovely book about sewing clothes ("Simple Modern Sewing" by Shufu To Seikatsu Sha) but I didn't manage to realize even one single project. Actually I really suck at sewing (that's why I prefer one-piece-knitting) but I really want to give it a try!

  • Buy more Flowers - Ok, this is nothing crafty but I love flowers and I thought this resolution would make a great closing for this list.

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